- Milk & Milk Product
- Fruits & Vegetables
- Fats & Oils
- Cereal & Cereal Products
- Spice & Condiment
- Nuts & Raisins
K Laboratory provide Food Analysis Training, advanced techniques of Food testing. These techniques are being used by various professionals in the Food & Food processing field for the detection of Food Quality hence by getting trained under the guidance of our experts you will be able to get the job in the field of Food testing.
Food analysis is a diverse and interdisciplinary field of research that has a significant health, societal and economic impact. It aims to characterize food products in terms of chemical composition, traceability, safety, quality, sensory perception and nutritional value.
The purpose of food analysis is to confirm the safety and quality of food. Within the official control of food, at the food producers, the analysis must be performed by an accredited laboratory. Accredited laboratories are also performing many other types of food analysis.Objective tests are necessary to identify contaminants in food and to reveal faulty processing methods as well as testing of deterioration and rancidity. Objective evaluation of food involves instrumentation and use of physical and chemical techniques instead of variable human sensory organs to evaluate food quality.
Our food contains mainly five major kinds of nutrients namely vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, prote
Training Module:
- Food Analysis Introduction
- Nutritional Value
- Vitamins
- Proximate Analysis
- Antioxidants
- Physico- Chemical Parameters