Analytical instruments are used for specific analysis of drugs and pharmaceuticals. So, regular performance verification is made to ensure that instrument used in the analytical purpose should be properly calibrated and validated “to demonstrate that it is suitable for its intended purpose”. calibration of basic analytical instruments in laboratory and industrial scale of scientific institutions. The scope of this article is to get the procedures of calibration of analytical instruments at here. Calibration of instruments with their procedure and precautions of HPLC, GC, GC-HS, Ph Meter, Karl Fisher, Polarimeter, Conductivity Meter, Tablet Fraibilator, Hardness Tester, Disintegration Test Apparatus, Dissolution Test Apparatus, Potentiometer and U. V. Spectrophotometer.
Calibration is the process by which ensure that an instrument readings are accurate the reference to establish standard. Calibration is performed by using primary standard. It is done to check the zero error deflection by using standard reference.
Training Module
- Calibration Theoretical Knowledge
- Need of Calibration
- Calibration Data Analysis
- Calibration Documentation
- Troubleshooting